Students or young professionals this is a chance for professional and personal development support

PMI Finland Mentorship program application is open. 

If you are a motivated student or young professional, willing to be mentored by inspired PMI professionals, you can apply for Mentee using the following web link: 

Some of the mentorship benefits are:

  • People learn more about each other, which strengthens their confidence and they begin to see each other as unique individuals.
  • Mentees have extra support in reaching their goals. They can work together with their mentors in a structured way.
  • Mentees attain the professional skills they will need to advance in their careers.
  • Mentorship provides an opportunity to form meaningful relationships and mentees do feel included as a valuable part of a professional community. This is especially the case with hybrid and remote settings making up a larger share of the relations today. For younger people who may have no prior professional experience this might be extremely valuable. 

We look forward to pair you with professional!

If you need more information before deciding, please drop a line to our mentoring program volunteers  @

For further information on the PMI Finland Mentoring program you can visit our web page